Countries that bank partners support for the bank account service in Portugal?

The bank policies have been changed, now we can only support certain clients in opening a bank account. 

We can help you in opening a bank account, if:

  1. You hold a valid passport in one of the countries listed below
  2. You currently reside in one of the countries listed below

These countries can all be different, provided they are all listed below. Therefore, a person who holds a UK passport and resides in South Africa qualifies for our bank account opening service.

  • This is not list of countries that we support, this list was provided to us by the bank managers, so we should to follow this list
  • The bank may request additional information and documents from citizens of certain countries they deem to be high risk, which might delay the account opening process or be declined. 
  • These policies only impact our bank account service. We can support anyone in obtaining a NIF.

🇦🇽 Åland Islands
🇦🇱 Albania
🇩🇿 Algeria
🇦🇸 American Samoa
🇦🇩 Andorra
🇦🇴 Angola
🇦🇮 Anguilla
🇦🇶 Antarctica
🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda
🇦🇷 Argentina
🇦🇲 Armenia
🇦🇼 Aruba
🇦🇺 Australia
🇦🇹 Austria
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan
🇧🇸 Bahamas
🇧🇭 Bahrain
🇧🇧 Barbados
🇧🇪 Belgium
🇧🇿 Belize
🇧🇯 Benin
🇧🇹 Bhutan
🇧🇴 Bolivia, Plurinational State of
🇧🇶 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina
🇧🇼 Botswana
🇧🇻 Bouvet Island 
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇮🇴 British Indian Ocean Territory
🇧🇳 Brunei Darussalam
🇧🇬 Bulgaria
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso
🇧🇮 Burundi
🇰🇭 Cambodia
🇨🇲 Cameroon
🇨🇦 Canada
🇨🇻 Cape Verde
🇰🇾 Cayman Islands
🇹🇩 Chad
🇨🇱 Chile
🇨🇽 Christmas Island
🇨🇨 Cocos
🇨🇴 Colombia
🇰🇲 Comoros
🇨🇰 Cook Islands
🇨🇷 Costa Rica
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire
🇭🇷 Croatia
🇨🇼 Curaçao
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇨🇿 Czech Republic
🇩🇰 Denmark
🇩🇯 Djibouti
🇪🇨 Ecuador
🇸🇻 El Salvador
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea
🇪🇷 Eritrea
🇪🇪 Estonia
🇪🇹 Ethiopia
🇫🇰 Falkland Islands
🇫🇴 Faroe Islands
🇫🇯 Fiji
🇫🇮 Finland
🇫🇷 France
🇬🇫 French Guiana
🇵🇫 French Polynesia
🇹🇫 French Southern Territories
🇬🇦 Gabon
🇬🇲 Gambia
🇬🇪 Georgia
🇩🇪 Germany
🇬🇭 Ghana
🇬🇮 Gibraltar
🇬🇷 Greece
🇬🇱 Greenland
🇬🇩 Grenada
🇬🇵 Guadeloupe
🇬🇺 Guam
🇬🇹 Guatemala
🇬🇬 Guernsey
🇬🇳 Guinea
🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau
🇬🇾 Guyana
🇭🇹 Haiti
🇭🇳 Honduras
🇭🇰 Hong Kong
🇭🇺 Hungary
🇮🇸 Iceland
🇮🇳 India
🇮🇩 Indonesia
🇮🇪 Ireland
🇮🇲 Isle of Man
🇮🇹 Italy
🇯🇲 Jamaica
🇯🇵 Japan
🇯🇪 Jersey
🇯🇴 Jordan
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan
🇰🇪 Kenya
🇰🇮 Kiribati
🇰🇷 Korea, Republic of
🇰🇼 Kuwait
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan
🇱🇦 Lao People's Democratic Republic
🇱🇻 Latvia
🇱🇸 Lesotho
🇱🇷 Liberia
🇱🇾 Libya
🇱🇮 Liechtenstein
🇱🇹 Lithuania
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
🇲🇴 Macao
🇲🇰 Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
🇲🇬 Madagascar
🇲🇼 Malawi
🇲🇾 Malaysia
🇲🇻 Maldives
🇲🇱 Mali
🇲🇹 Malta
🇲🇭 Marshall Islands
🇲🇶 Martinique
🇲🇷 Mauritania
🇲🇺 Mauritius
🇾🇹 Mayotte
🇫🇲 Micronesia, Federated States of
🇲🇨 Monaco
🇲🇳 Mongolia
🇲🇪 Montenegro
🇲🇸 Montserrat
🇲🇦 Morocco
🇲🇿 Mozambique
🇳🇦 Namibia
🇳🇷 Nauru
🇳🇱 Netherlands
🇳🇨 New Caledonia
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇳🇮 Nicaragua
🇳🇺 Niue
🇳🇫 Norfolk Island
🇲🇵 Northern Mariana Islands
🇳🇴 Norway
🇴🇲 Oman
🇵🇼 Palau
🇵🇸 Palestine, State of
🇵🇦 Panama
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea
🇵🇾 Paraguay
🇵🇪 Peru
🇵🇭 Philippines
🇵🇳 Pitcairn
🇵🇱 Poland
🇵🇹 Portugal
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico
🇶🇦 Qatar
🇷🇪 Réunion
🇷🇴 Romania
🇷🇺 Russia
🇷🇼 Rwanda
🇧🇱 Saint Barthélemy
🇸🇭 Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
🇰🇳 Saint Kitts and Nevis
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia
🇸🇽 Saint Martin
🇵🇲 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
🇻🇨 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
🇼🇸 Samoa
🇸🇲 San Marino
🇸🇹 Sao Tome and Principe
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia
🇸🇳 Senegal
🇸🇨 Seychelles
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone
🇸🇽 Sint Maarten
🇸🇰 Slovakia
🇸🇮 Slovenia
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands
🇿🇦 South Africa
🇬🇸 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
🇪🇸 Spain
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka
🇸🇷 Suriname
🇸🇯 Svalbard and Jan Mayen
🇸🇿 Swaziland
🇸🇪 Sweden
🇨🇭 Switzerland
🇹🇼 Taiwan
🇹🇯 Tajikistan
🇹🇿 Tanzania, United Republic of
🇹🇭 Thailand
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste
🇹🇬 Togo
🇹🇰 Tokelau
🇹🇴 Tonga
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago
🇹🇳 Tunisia
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan
🇹🇷 Turkey
🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos Islands
🇹🇻 Tuvalu
🇺🇬 Uganda
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
🇺🇦 Ukraine
🇺🇸 United States
🇺🇾 Uruguay
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan
🇻🇺 Vanuatu
🇻🇳 Vietnam
🇻🇬 Virgin Islands, British
🇻🇮 Virgin Islands, U.S.
🇼🇫 Wallis and Futuna
🇪🇭 Western Sahara

Since this is a dynamic situation, we will keep this article updated as new policies come into place.

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